Saturday, May 4, 2013

Residency 3.10: PICU

Well, I survived. It's hard to look back on the whole month objectively because I ended on a rather sour note (read: the worst day of the month and in recent memory). But, in trying not to let that color everything, I have to admit that overall it was a positive experience. The attendings and fellows did a lot of teaching, the nurses were awesome, I learned a thing or two, I worked with three awesome residents, and we got to do Musical Rounds (see prior post).

I think the best part of the month was getting to watch kids get better, which doesn't always happen in the PICU. The patient I put a chest tube in, the patient I did chest compressions on, the patient who went on ECMO, the patient who kept bleeding from her lungs...all now either on the floor or back at home. Success. Another highlight of the month was two of the nurses telling me they wished I was staying in the PICU because they trusted me. Makes it a little easier to put that last day behind me.

Now if I could just get my body to catch up on sleep so that I don't have to spend my entire board review month taking 3 hour naps like I did yesterday, that would be great. But if not, hey, I have the ability to take 3 hour naps every day. Yippee!

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