Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A broken world?

The Oklahoma tornado is just the latest in a string of heartbreaking events. From the Aurora shooting to Hurricane Sandy to the Boston Marathon bombings to back alley abortion clinics to this. The worst of human nature and Mother Nature all marching us towards...what? People look around and say "Where is your god?" Even Christians have a hard time reconciling what is going on in the world with what Scripture says and what we know to be true in our hearts. So what are we to think?

(Disclaimer: I'm totally stealing this from the Lanky Guys Pentecost podcast, but since I know that no one will go and listen to the whole podcast if I post the link, I will summarize the opening for you here.)

We do not, in fact, live in a broken world. Well, at least not JUST a broken world. We live in a broken, but redeemed, world. Yes, sin has entered and the natural order is disrupted, but Christ has still won the victory. The lanky guys liken it to World War II. Scott Powell says that we are in the period similar to the one between D-Day and VE Day. Once the Allied forces were closing in and the Nazis knew that they were losing, did they free the concentration camps? No, they "wreaked as much havoc as they could because they knew they had already lost." We are in that limbo period. Christ has won, but we are awaiting the Second Coming, which will essentially be our "liberation" from this "concentration camp" of a broken world. Evil knows it has lost, and Satan is wreaking as much havoc as he can in the meantime. So take heart, because all this tragedy means that Christ has already won.

1 comment:

Jim Z said...

beautifully put! thanks