Monday, May 20, 2013

One last hurrah

After spending the weekend with my class in the Las Vegas of the Midwest (apparently that's what Branson is called; I also heard "Las Vegas for Pastors and Old People"), I feel a little more acutely what I am leaving behind in July. Three years of going through pretty much everything with these wonderful, amazing people. Potlucks and game nights, happy hours, baby showers, weddings, funerals, baseball games, birthday celebrations, horrific call shifts, patients that make you laugh and ones that make you wanna throw things. We've cooked together, changed diapers together, gone to church together, and cried together.

So we had one final hurrah before graduation to enjoy each other's company. We had reservations at Still Waters Resort, a sprawling camp ground right on Table Rock Lake. A nice little treat to have 2 queen beds, a porch, and a kitchenette all to myself. Although my room was closest to the pavilion so I did share my bathroom quite a few times during the barbeque Friday night. It was so good to see everyone and catch up since I spent last month in the PICU and have spent the first half of this month studying at home.

 Saturday brought lounging at the pool, boards games, snacks, playing with the kids, and then some time on the water before we all headed into town for dinner and drinks. So nice to not have anything on the agenda and to have lovely people to share the beautiful day with.

While I'm going to be ready to move on in terms of being done being a resident, I will miss these wonderful friends and their families that have been my support over the last three years. And I'm grateful to have had the retreat weekend together. Looking forward to graduation and a few more happy hours before we're done.

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