Monday, June 4, 2007

Baby Screaming It’s Head Off In The Middle Of The Night And Ruining My Life Pie

I've decided I love movies. Which is ironic since I can rarely find one whose morals are enough in line with my own to warrant viewing. Maybe that's why I like so many chick-flicks; not because I necessarily enjoy the genre, but because by and large, they're fairly watchable. The reason I've decided I love movies gets a little tricky to explain, mostly because I haven't sorted it all out in my head yet, but it's along the lines of becoming engrossed in someone else's drama, being able to sympathize with them, enjoy their perfect friendships, remember when I wanted to use those same lines, marvel at an actor's talent to perfectly convey the exact emotion you're feeling. At first I had a complex that it was just because my life was boring and I was living vicariously through cinema, but I've since decided it's more than that (or at least I'm telling myself that to prevent severe self-pity). I think I just like being immersed in the human experience, and I enjoy living it myself or being drawn into it through a movie. I love the relationships and the dialogue and the emotions and seeing people discover things about themselves, take risks, love, hurt, whether they're real people or simply characters. I saw Waitress last weekend and decided it fell smack into the middle of this love of movies. I'm not going to try to convince you that everyone will like it, but it certainly covers the human experience. Not to mention some pretty delicious sounding pies. I also got to re-watch Phantom of the Opera with Rachelle last week, and was surprised by how much I still enjoyed it the third or fourth time around. Granted, opera ghosts and deformed men and gorgeous soundtracks aren't a typical part of life for most of us, but the shame, longing, pain, triumph, fear, and innocence are.

Of course, there are also movies good for pure entertainment value, and I don't think I have to justify liking Casino Royale to anyone.

On a totally different note, and still semi-related to the title, which is why I chose it, I was at Mass on Sunday and was overwhelmed by the number of kids that were there. A boy and a girl in front of us distracted me because they seemed so close to their parents, wanting to be near them and hug them and talk to them, rather unlike my own sisters. And during the offertory, dozens of them gleefully skipped forward to place their offerings in the glass jar. If only we could give so freely, or find that much joy in life at all. I decided two things. My heaven will be the joy and freedom of thousands of children. And I can't wait to be a mom. I still don't know what God's plan for me in that area is, but if it is His will, I can't wait to have kids and to share te love I've felt with them as much as humanly possible.

Moving further from relevant, a few random thoughts...I love being outside in Colorado. I really like Corn Toss. I'm really excited for the weddings this summer. I love cookouts. I am not thrilled my knee is preventing me from riding. It's surreal to be done with my first year of med school. I am so grateful for this past year in Denver. I could eat fruit and dirt pudding all day long (not necessarily together). And I'd better get back to being productive.

Thanks for listening, and for being there.

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