Thursday, May 31, 2012

Residency 2.11: Well Baby

Wow, as I typed that title, I'm realizing that we are very close to Residency version 3.0...does that scare anyone else? Where have the last 2 years gone?

I spent the last month over at Truman in the Well Baby Nursery. We mostly just got to look at cute babies all day, plus go to deliveries and cover the NICU when we were on call (which felt like ALL the time). There were a few long calls, and a few sick babies, but overall it wasn't bad. Had a few cool moments that reinforce this crazy career choice, like last night when I got to reassure a tearful mom that her baby was going to be just fine, or getting to intubate a lifeless baby in the delivery room and then see the baby do great. We also did something like a thousand circumcisions. I always did a little dance inside when the baby was a girl.

And I will say there are few things more therapeutic than rocking a cute baby to sleep in your arms. But the best part by far was the great group of people that were over there this month--attendings, seniors, and interns. Truman can feel very isolated and lonely, but we made the best of it, and I dare say, occasionally even had fun (awesome halfway breakfast, guys!). Makes all the difference in the world.

And now I have to go read about my new team that I take over tomorrow. And maybe eat a cookie.

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