Monday, May 23, 2011

This is the day...

What a wonderful weekend with lots to celebrate. First, congrats to my favorite youngest sister, Kelly, for graduating with High Honors and being an overall rock star. I'm so proud of you, kiddo.
And secondly, and probably more importantly (sorry Kelly), congratulations to the 8 awesome, Godly men who were ordained to the priesthood on Saturday. It was a blessing to be able to witness their ordination (even though I had to spend the last hour sitting down or risk passing out). But even more so to get to be a part of Fr. John's first Mass last night. I wish I could describe in words for you so you would know. He said afterwards that it was a glimpse of heaven, and it truly was. The Spirit was there last night, moving in powerful ways, as I'm sure He will throughout Fr. John's priesthood. What a privilege to get to celebrate with him, to witness the start of his priestly ministry, to be one of the many lives touched by his humble sacrifice.

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