Friday, May 6, 2011

Residency 1.10: Truman NICU

Gah--I totally spaced writing last month's rotation summary. Since I know there are so many of you hanging on my every post, let me apologize. But mostly I need to post because if I get behind before intern year is even over, then we're doomed for the rest of residency, and I need to have something to look back and remember this whirlwind by (yup, just ended with a preposition; deal with it).

Ahh, the NICU. Mostly, I'm just glad to be done. Not sure what it was about Truman that pretty much sucked the life out of me. Although in the day-to-day business, I was never all that grumpy, and although I found a lot of little things to be grateful for, I found myself fairly depressed when I would get home from work every day. Even days off became an effort to try to get out of the apartment, or sometimes even dressed for that matter.

And so, I will just summarize this month by saying that I love little babies, I like doing lines, I like managing vents, but I do not like doing it after being awake for 22 hours. The end. Oh, and McFlurries and post-call sausage McMuffins do make quite the silver lining.

1 comment:

Jim Z said...

Love your posts......keep them coming....hanging on every word.
I guess after a 4 hr class, I can be VERY grateful it wasn't a 22 hr. class. :-)