Friday, November 12, 2010

Down for the count

Are you looking for a way to tell 100% if it's time for you to throw in the towel and just go home sick from work? You're in luck. I have it. If you find yourself gripping the wall in the hallway while the world turns black, then checking out a patient to the attending while lying on the workroom floor with your feet elevated to keep enough blood flow to your brain to keep from passing's time to go home. (Though, admittedly, not as bad as: If you find yourself being the patient in a Code Blue while seeing a consult...true story, not me, my fellow 'tern.) Not sure what I was thinking even going in to work, since the hour before work had me dry-heaving into my trash can and lying on the floor curled up in a ball with my hands spasming and my body wracked with chills, but sure, I can make it through a full day of work seeing sick patients, no problem. Yeah, just give up. Admit defeat. Go home, sleep on the couch for 5 hours, eat a whole bag of Goldfish Saltine crackers, go back to sleep. And maybe by the weekend, you'll be up for playing in the football tourney, even though you haven't worked out all week and only today made it through work without feeling nauseated. We'll see how that works out.


MarieEnzaldo said...

Ok I'm trying not to associate your birthday cake situation with the nausea. But seriously, hope you're feeling better, sounds like you had something awful!

And maybe try to stick to two pieces next time :) Haha.
Love ya!

Laura Zaps said...

haha, i hope the two weren't related. otherwise, next month's birthday celebration will be way less fun!