Thursday, July 29, 2010

Residency 1.1

One month down. And since I start bright and EARLY tomorrow, this will be a quick post as to my first month as a doctor. My goal is to do this for every rotation, so I remember what it was like, and so you can share the journey with me. Forgive my tired brain.

I spent my first four weeks as a doctor in the Rheumatology Department, the land of gray (as in, nothing is black and white). Despite often not finding a definitive diagnosis, I became more confident in my ability to say it wasn't anything serious and got really good at recommending supportive shoes for flat feet (does this really work???). I worked with some amazing doctors who really LOVE their patients and love teaching and, yes, who love complaining about some of the stupid things parents do and say.

For example, the mom who was absolutely convinced that her son "caught" his rheumatoid arthritis from a girl with chicken pox at church camp. Hey, whatever works.

And I had those dreaded ER shifts. I'm told that after my full month down there, it will be a lot better, because I'll be much more comfortable, but for now, it is NOT my favorite place in the hospital. My first night was a disaster, for multiple reasons, but thankfully, it has gotten slightly better, and I now know how to order prescriptions correctly (though still can't get the right printer every time) and how to answer an overhead page (THAT was a funny experience the first time). And I know that even if I eat a snack RIGHT beforehand, watching the ortho resident reduce an ulnar/radial fracture will still make me want to pass out. Guess I will sit down next time.

Tomorrow starts a crazy month of 80 hour weeks, early mornings, very sick patients, and probably the start of me feeling like a real doctor, for real.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just realized I didn't add your blog to my reader. I fixed that mistake! I can't wait to follow your residency experience. Hope it's treating you well out there!