Monday, August 16, 2010

More than fine

Yesterday I treated myself to one of my few indulgences...a double-tall half-caff, non-fat, 2 pump sugar-free extra hot vanilla latte. Mmmm. It makes me warm and fuzzy just saying it. But really, that's not the point of the story. As I walked up to the counter, the barista asked how I was. I answered my typical, "Pretty good, how are you?" without even giving it much thought. Her answer? "Better than blessed." It made me stop and think. And as I headed to the other side of the counter to grab my morning pick-me-up, I said, "Hope you continue to have a blessed day." She said, "Thank you, I needed to hear that." And the truth was that I probably needed to hear her answer in the first place. A reminder that even though we ask "How are you?" as a substitute for "Hi" and that we rarely listen for the answer, that doesn't mean that even this small interaction can't be a place to share God's grace, to touch a life. A reminder that every encounter with someone is a chance to brighten their day. My dad is so good at this, at taking the little moments and using it to really be present to someone, and it's something I strive to be better at. So thanks, Blessed Barista Lady, for being my real morning pick-me-up. And may you all have a better than blessed day!

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