Friday, June 25, 2010

Small Successes

I'm stealing Marie's idea (which she stole, so it doesn't count) of documenting my small successes, and come my first 30-hour call shift or Code Blue (that stupid alarm is already giving me heart attacks when it goes off), I will look back and say, "Wait, remember how Kansas City isn't a complete failure?" So here goes:

1. Successfully passed PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) and NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Program) training with flying colors. I now have an inkling of what will transpire during a potential code situation. However, if I show up and it's a real kid instead of a manikin, I may hide in a closet until it's over.

2. Planted fresh basil. It smells so amazing, and I didn't even have to buy potting soil because I found a "soil buddy" in my class who gave me some. I will also throw "bought garlic press and garlic" in this one because I am determined not to eat like crap while in residency. Please disregard the SIX frozen dinners and ice cream in my freezer.

3. Made some new friends. I know you all think I'm a natural friend-maker, but I consider it a not-so-small success to have attended three--count them, three--happy hours with my class, found World Cup watching buddies, organized a class trip to the Royals game on Monday, and even met a handful of new people through Rachelle who I have gotten together with all by myself (the new people, not Rachelle, but her too). I think I just moved one point over on the Meyers-Briggs I/E scale. Watch out, world!

4. Got my Kansas driver's license. Okay, so this is a mixed bag, because with it, my Colorado driver's license was demolished, (and I didn't actually get Kansas plates because my insurance doesn't start until tomorrow, so I still have to go back and sit at the DMV) but it means I'm slowly embracing this new life. Add to that my first paycheck--heck yeah!--and I'm well on my way.

Well, there you have it. I'm looking forward to "my last real free weekend ever" as one of the chiefs so nicely reminded us today. And still a little bit in denial about this whole residency thing starting in full force next Thursday. But I'll be fine. Just look at all I've accomplished already!

1 comment:

M Zap said...

You could make yourself a Michael Westen Day CO driver's license. I talked to the new residents by myself for almost 20 minutes last night and between that and playing kickball with complete and total strangers, I think I moved a point on the I/E scale too. Way to go us!!