Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Even unto death

Fr. Felix gave an awesome homily today, one that I think will be relevant long after today's results are in. The reading was from Philippians, that Jesus humbled Himself, becoming obedient, even to death on a cross. Father reminded us that God has already given us His example of how to choose in this life. We must be obedient to our faith, even to death. How many of us do that? How many of us are obedient even though another choice is more popular, feels better, seems more rational, makes a bigger statement, or fuels our pride more? While I think this election is a great example of that, and the fact that our Church urges us to vote for life and to make it a priority, there are tons of other examples in our lives. It's not an easy message to hear. We're ingrained to avoid obedience and death at all costs. But Jesus also promises that for those who follow His example, the yoke is easy and the burden light. Be obedient.

1 comment:

M Zap said...

Amen sister!

Also, I was watching the episode of Mad About You that has Paul's first Thanksgiving with Jamie's family and she's talking about how it was her childhood dream to bring her husband home for Thanksgiving, and I was like, awww, me too. Even though we don't really celebrate Thanksgiving.