Saturday, September 15, 2007


Really good Mass tonight, always helps to open with a Fr. Roc song. But mostly the readings. About forgiveness and God's relentless pursuit of His loved ones. It still never ceases to amaze me that I am among those. Many times I have been the one He had to go after, when I was lost amid thorns and rocks. And when He finds me, He showers me with mercy, not guilt. Now I feel like one of the 99, and as He goes after another one, we both know that I'm staying put, right where I belong. I had been feeling like maybe my relationship with God was waning because I hadn't had any recent rescues, but now I know that I can be just as much His whether I'm safe in the flock or the subject of His search. And it's much less trying to be safe in the flock. Not to say I won't ever wander off again, but we'll let tomorrow worry about itself. How comforting to know that our Shepherd is constantly after our hearts.

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