Thursday, May 17, 2007

Evangelizing the Culture

A little heavy for the first post. I thought about writing something stupid for the first one just to take the pressure off, but this came to mind first. As I look around me especially in Denver, I see a vibrant young Catholic community, several intact marriages and families that I consider role models, and people that are striving for something better than what this world has to offer. However, I also see (partially as a result of being in health care, at a secular university, and in America, I think) a failing health care system, political system, and moral system. So many people are satisfied with so much less than they were created for. The other day, I was informed that the "right order" of doing things was "meeting someone, dating, moving in together, then getting married." No one batted an eye. It's just one example, but I think representative of how many people blindly accept what has been given to them...a hedonistic, agnostic culture. And so I alternate between thinking my generation is going to change the world and despairing that the world is beyond our help. What is our role? We have to bridge the gap somehow. I've already ruled out being of the world, but I'm having a hard time even being in it. How are we to evangelize a culture that isn't aware it needs evangelizing?

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