Saturday, June 29, 2013

Residency 3.12: Hem/Onc

I did it! I managed to post after every single month of residency. Also, I finished residency. Not too shabby.

The last month was spent back on the Hem/Onc floor (cancer and blood disorders), with some of the sickest, saddest cases. What a way to end. We had several rocks that we got to know pretty well throughout the month, which is good for continuity but bad for morale. It stinks to see a previously healthy 16 year old wasting away with no hope of going home any time soon, or maybe ever. There were some bright spots, like dancing to "Step In Time" with a 3 year old boy who loved Mary Poppins, having a mom say she's so glad to see me, and high-fiving a nurse for a successful PICU transfer without having to call a code.

But holy cow, am I glad to be out of there. I was almost giddy as the minutes ticked down on my final 28-hour call. It's really surreal to be done, and there's not really any words for the roller coaster of emotions as I finish up this 3 year journey. I have to go back Monday to turn in all my stuff and get my certificate, and I know as I walk out those doors for the last time (at least until I come back to visit), my steps with be somewhat heavy. I'm looking forward to resting and enjoying the next 2 weeks, although I've already started packing and eww.

Ready too, to get home to the fam and the mountains. Thanks for following along on this journey. Feel free to stay aboard for the next leg.

1 comment:

Jim Z said...

Not too Shabby indeed!