Sunday, March 17, 2013

Things I like

Fun things from the last week--
*Lunch at Maggiano's with the whole fam. Accidentally licked my finger after getting sauce on it and endured an epic glare from Mary. Hilarious.
*Getting done with clinic way early
*The gorgeous day on Friday and getting to sit outside for a bit in the new chapel garden
*Two job offers back in the Centennial State--gonna make a decision this week--stay tuned.
*New pope! And he's awesome!
*The amazing green frosted chocolate chip cookie I just ate 'cause it's Sunday
*Checking Irish Car Bomb off my '30 Before 30' list (also accompanied by maybe the best mac'n'cheese of my LIFE
*Getting to work out 3 whole days this week (assuming I kick it into gear after this)
*Baking lazy Irish beer bread (hopefully this ends up a success and not a flop)
*Mom likes Blue Bloods as much as I do; and the library has the second season on hold for me
*Got a GREAT complement from someone I look up to a lot
*Good book: The Elegance of the Hedgehog
*My favorite attending on service

1 comment:

Jim Z said...

Every comment... a positive comment!
Your body knows everything you are thinking, so it's very wise to stay positive. :-)
So glad you had a fun week, but also proud of you for seeing the fun in your week!