Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Cabin fever

Stuck inside. Again. Two record-breaking winter storms in the last week have buried the city under almost 2 feet of snow (minus some much needed melting over the weekend). Even though I have 4WD, no one else seems willing or able to venture out, so my social calendar cleared itself pretty rapidly, leaving me BORED. I shoveled, watched TV, baked bread, vacuumed, wandered the grocery, wrote a letter...still BORED. Almost makes me wish I were at work. ALMOST.

My fellow residents have been rockstars during these storms, showing up with overnight bags, pillows, and smiles in a not-so-smiley situation to make sure that the kids were cared for. The chiefs have gone above and beyond to fill gaps and keep spirits up. One of the attendings went to Costco before the storm got bad to stock us all up on snacks. The docs in the ER last night kicked as many of us out early as they could, making sure we got home safe. It makes me proud to be a part of such a program, not that I need another reason, and just a teensy smidge jealous that I somehow made it out of the last 4 major storms without ever getting put up in a hotel for a slumber party.

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