Friday, November 23, 2012

The best laid plans

I had my whole day planned out. A perfect day off, really, Black Friday. Sleep in, do some shopping for Christmas gifts, set up the tree and Nativity set while blaring "Tennessee Christmas." Unfortunately, my body didn't cooperate. I thought my stomach ache last night was from Thanksgiving indulgence, but when I couldn't fall asleep and ended up running to the bathroom at midnight, hugging a trashcan, I realized that my day off wasn't going to be so perfect. I was just talking with Michelle the other day how we need to learn to be more docile. It's hard to admit, but I don't always have to be right. Whether it's letting my interns do something differently than I would, not getting somewhere on time, letting someone else pick the menu for a dinner party, getting stuck with an extra call shift, or whatever. Sometimes it's good for me not to get my way. It reminds me that Someone else is in charge, and I need to swallow my pride and try things His way. I guess I'll use today as practice, while I lay on the couch and stare at where my Christmas tree should be.

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