Thursday, November 29, 2012

Residency 3.5: Purple Team

Oh man, I've been so caught up in having a normal life that I forgot to post about my month on Purple Team. Maybe I've also blocked pieces of it out of my head. If I ever needed convincing to not do inpatient medicine full-time, this was it. My stress level is on high when I am in charge of four interns, five medical students, 18 patients, and have to run a code to boot. Frequent baked goods made things a little bit easier, but still.

Most of the crazy stories that I would love to tell you about this month would probably violate HIPAA in some form, but suffice it to say if I had one more rapid response called for a pseudoseizure while I was team leader, I might have exploded.

Nevertheless, even in the most hectic of rotations, when I never get a chance to sit down, or when I'm ready to throw the pager out the window or refuse to go see one more patient, there are still moments that remind me why I have the best job in the world.

We had a toddler with a dog bite below her eye that had to be admitted when it got infected. She was scared at first, but warmed up nicely when she saw my light-up frog. We were able to get her appropriate treatment and in 2 days, she was a brand new kid. Her parents were super sweet and understanding and sent me a thank you email after they had been discharged that made me forget about all the negative stuff that week.

We had a tiny baby who wasn't growing so she was admitted by her pediatrician. Typically failure to thrive babies are boring. We feed them, they eat, they grow, they go home. This one was different. She ended up with a fairly uncommon endocrine condition and after we changed her formula and started some medications, she, too, was able to grow just fine and go home. But it's that one in a hundred that keeps things interesting.

And now, I'm back to a clinic month and loving life, except for that stress of trying to find a job. Keep me in your prayers. And happy almost Advent!

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