Wednesday, April 25, 2012

An awesome ending

I had read last week that 1000 Awesome Things was ending, that after chronicling one thousand things that make your day more, well, awesome, Neil Pasricha was retiring his keyboard. So, last night, I went to the blog to see. A pleasant surprise...the final awesome thing was posted on my birthday, and it was whatever I wanted it to be. That's right, out of all the awesome things on that site over 4 years (you really should check it out...there is definitely something awesome about sneaking cheaper candy into the movie theater, hitting a bunch of green lights in a row, the moon, and that moment right before you fall asleep when you know you're about to fall asleep), the most awesome one is mine. And so, in honor of a great idea, and my birthday, here are a few recent awesome things:

-free Starbucks
-checking things off the bucket list
-2 dollar bills
-laying down in bed at the end of an exhausting day (this one is actually on the blog, but I SO agree)
-the first sip of a really good beer
-flip flop weather
-samples at the farmer's market
-phone calls from friends you haven't heard from in a while
-when the sun comes out after days of rain
-when you happen to pick the perfect, best thing off of the menu and it's exactly what you wanted
-family members that will call and check on you twice a day when you're not feeling well
-wandering into little bookstores and just browsing
-praying night prayer together
-when God works miracles (haha, Mom, that one is for you!)

I don't know that any of those are the #1 MOST awesome thing. Instead, I really think it's that moment when we are able to recognize the awesome in our lives and be grateful for it. To just stop and say, yeah...AWESOME!

1 comment:

Jim Z said...

and for me another one would be...waking up and putting both feet on the ground. :-)

Well done!