Monday, March 5, 2012

Between a 3 and a 7

I'm 4 days into the PICU...Dad says I have to update this so he knows I'm alive. I'm pretty sure if a certain someone wouldn't teach a class on the rare occasion that I have time to call him, he would know for himself.

Surviving so far...I'm on the cardiac surgery service and they keep having to cancel surgeries because we have no beds (thanks to the overflowing medicine service...influenza and RSV are nasty, but I'm grateful that it keeps our service smaller). Learning a bit about efficiency, physiology, interpreting data, good communication, and how to sneak snacks when no one is looking. I'm not going to say anything about the kids mostly behaving at the risk of jinxing something. Two more surgeries tomorrow (and not simple ones) and my co-worker has the day off, so I will be seeing all the kids myself (if there are no more updates, you know it broke me).

So far, we've had visitors every day bearing gifts of Chipotle, chocolate, hugs, and binder clips (for the charts that keep getting thicker). And I haven't cried...yet.

I told Dad that my priorities are as follows:
1) Don't kill any kids
2) Sleep as much as possible
3) Everything else

I guess this falls under everything else, so I must be doing something right on those first two. Off to bed!!!

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