So, inspired by Hilary, I decided to keep a gratitude log for a week. Not just little things like “good breakfast” or “warm car” although those things are nice. But to really focus on something that really makes me grateful. And when this week started, I felt like I was going to need something to keep me positive. Here’s what happened…
2/13—Today at work a lot of things went wrong. I know, not the best way to start a “gratitude log”. Hear me out. We had difficult patient issues, members of our team who were not feeling well, and then to top it all off, the entire paging system in the hospital crashed, making it very difficult to communicate. However, amidst all of this, today we had a couple of my favorite nurses taking care of our kiddos, and it was just super refreshing to see faces that you know, who know you by name and know that you’re working hard, and who do what they can to help you out, and who go above and beyond without being asked. It makes me love my job even more when I feel like part of a team that is firing on all cylinders (or however many cylinders there are when your pager isn’t working).
2/14—While I may have eaten a little too much my weight in Valentine’s Day treats today, I burned off at least half of it laughing. I generally am a neurotically efficiency-crazy person (WHY do rounds take so long!), but I am always happy to pause for stories that make tears stream down my face and my stomach hurt. Like one of my fellow residents shutting herself in her (not walk-in) closet for a mental breakdown, or a child-to-remain-unnamed who used the kitty litter box for her own and still won’t live it down. Or my new favorite video that makes me feel so normal and well-adjusted. Today, I am most definitely grateful for JOY!
2/15—A patient of mine that has been a real struggle this week in many ways was starting to show signs of improvement. Very small signs, and there are still a lot of unanswered questions. More than answered questions by far. But I am grateful for baby steps, for moving towards a goal, for the ability to pray for my patients in addition to offering medicine. It’s not perfect, but it’s something.
2/16—Biscuits and gravy for Halfway Breakfast? Attending brings me a grande latte? Cosentino’s desserts on the counter? Only one admission today? Yup, lots to be thankful for!
2/17—Tonight was Brandi’s bachelorette party. And bridal shower. It was a “showerlette”, which I’m pretty sure is a made-up word. Brandi is my co-senior on Green Team this month, which means she’s spending more time with me than with her fiancé. Yeah, I think it’s true. Brandi is outgoing and expressive and bubbly and confident, and her friends can throw a crazy party! Most fun I’ve had in a LONG time! I’m thankful for Brandi, and for her getting married, and for Italian wine and good friends and better-than-sex cheesecake.
2/18—Was really tired today due to said “showerlette”. But I’m grateful that it was a shorter day than most, that I got done in time to go to Mass, and that I can go to bed early, ‘cause I do love me some sleep!
2/19—I’m super grateful, again and again, that I have a job where more days than not, I wake up excited to go to work. Well, actually I wake up feeling like a truck hit me and I need about 2 more hours of sleep, but once I’ve had my coffee, I’m excited to be at work. I am often reminded of how blessed I am to have work that is fulfilling and challenging, with people that I love, in a supportive environment.
Well, that was fun. The week wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I guess I have a lot to be thankful for. Thanks, Hilary.
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