Friday, January 20, 2012

Not the peace that the world gives

I've been reading this book at the recommendation of a friend, and it's stimulated so many thoughts and struggles and, yes, peace. It's funny, it may not be the book specifically (although it's wonderful, and probably just what I need) so much as the fact that it makes me want to pray, and that I have been praying, and that it's been real prayer, not just sit-on-the-couch-hold-the-Bible-in-your-hands-and-close-your-eyes-until-your-coffee-gets-cold-and-you-have-to-get-ready-for-work prayer.

It's amazing the things that happen when you take time to examine your life and see where you are shutting God out and where He is calling you to calm the heck down and just TRUST HIM.

It's also amazing how a book about peace can cause all this unrest. But not in a bad way, just that it's stirring up all the areas where I'm unsettled and making me stare them in the face. And I find myself extremely grateful that "the Spirit intercedes for us" because I'm feeling too many things at once to put them all into words, but God knows exactly what each of those is.

1 comment:

MJ said...

Rm 8.26 - best verse ever.