Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Most Wonderful Time

What a great Christmas! Because we weren't going out of town, my parents planned all sorts of fun activities and yummy food. Christmas Eve, we did lunch at Maggiano's, which is pretty much one of the best places ever to experience that wonderful Italian-food-family-everyone-together thing. Holy delicious food, Batman! And leftovers!

When we got home, I did my best to whip up a mayonnaise cake, a special goodie that my grandma used to make every Christmas (and usually when we visited in the summer, too). We'd walk in the door, and after dropping our luggage in the bedrooms, the first thing we'd do is head for the mayo cake. "Jannie, I saved you a whole row." Grandma was the only one who ever called my mom that, and mayonnaise cake was pretty much the only type of food that my mom ever ate a whole row of. It's not quite the same as when Grandma used to make it, but it was pretty darn good. And, unlike the banana cream pie that I dropped upside down on the garage floor, we get to enjoy it for a few days.

Mass was perfect. Everyone was there, the youth choir did their songs, and per request (not my request) Fr. Paul made his homily very short. And there was this adorable old man across the aisle that sang along in this super loud, super deep voice (think James Earl Jones).

I'm super excited about my new belgian waffle maker and espresso machine, so if you're in need of a good breakfast sometime soon, come on over!!!

The only bad part is that I can't move my neck because it's cramped up after trying to put together the 1,000-piece Twilight puzzle (whose brilliant idea was it to do that in black and white???).

Hope your Christmases were equally wonderful!

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