Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First Mass

I had the opportunity to go to Fr. Mauricio Bermudez's first Mass on Sunday, and let me just say that if you ever have the chance to go to a First Mass, TAKE IT! It was beautiful. Not only the incense and the glowing white garments and the bilingual Mass (which was awesome). But also very surreal to think over how he had not been a priest the previous morning, and now he is. How he can now consecrate the Eucharist, be in persona Christi, celebrate the sacraments. It's beautiful and mystical. And so touching to witness his own emotion and tears as he prayed the Eucharistic prayer, reliving the sacrifice of the Last Supper and realizing that he was participating in, even being the vehicle for, a miracle. Next year, three more seminarians that I know will be ordained, and I'm excited to see that as well. Keep praying for Fr. Mau, and for all those in formation, and for good men to fulfill their vocation, whatever it may be.

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