Sunday, April 12, 2009

He is Risen

Sometimes I am given the grace of perspective to stop and think about what's really important. How, if we are honest with ourselves, we can admit that the only thing that matters is getting closer to God. Kneeling in front of the Eucharist, standing together as a congregation, lifting our voices in prayer, sitting with a friend in need, serving the poor. And I think about getting caught up in everything else. Oil changes and rent payments and health insurance and what I'm going to pack for lunch tomorrow; how early I have to get up and how long I'll be at work and what residency I'll be good enough for and how much money I'll make; when the last time was I talked to whoever and how I haven't worked out in three days, or showered for that matter (no, just kidding, I'm not Mary). It's so hard to put all of that on pause and remember. So, today, when we celebrate the triumph of the Son over death, take some time to remember what matters. Because all of those distractions won't mean a thing when your time comes and He asks you, "Did you love Me with everything you had?" Please help me remember as well. Alleluia.

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