Sunday, October 21, 2007

Rockies are calling, Denver snow falling

I woke up this morning to gorgeous snow coating the red and green trees outside the window, which in true Colorado fashion melted to blue skies by the afternoon, in time to celebrate October with the girls of "Trinity Cottage." Beer brats, homemade apple pie, and pumpkin cookies filled the table and apple cider and "vino verde" from Portugal filled our glasses. But the real treat was courtesy of Matt and Emily at the piano, belting out everything from "A Whole New World" to "The Sound of Music" to "Be Thou My Vision." SO good. Then we had a sing along with "My Heart Will Go On" and "Lean on Me." I'm almost convinced to buy a piano just so that I can invite people over to play it. I'm promised a return invitation for when Christmas Caroling time rolls around.

It was a light-hearted ending to a heavy week, during which I dealt with alcoholism, HIV, and abortion first hand, and also started reading "Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust" (read it! It is one of the most powerful books I've ever read). There is a lot of brokenness in this world, a lot of heartache, a lot of searching for something to fulfill us and coming up empty. But there is also life--beautiful, miraculous life, and grace and joy beyond what we could ever hope to deserve. To contemplate the love of God that was so real it became present in the creation of each one of us, that God planned each of us since the beginning of time, that He watches over us--it leaves me speechless. And to think that we turn our backs on Him so easily, that humanity has rejected this love and decided to seek salvation amidst individualism and hedonism under the guise of tolerance and freedom. What a fake freedom. And I'm not sure what my role in all of it is. I know it's not enough to be upset and rant about it. Paul says to persevere, whether it is convenient or inconvenient, and Jesus says to be persistent in prayer, but that's the only answers I have for now.

Side note: Transformers--go see it. It's excellent. Really sad the Red Sox won the penant, but the way the Indians played these last few games, they didn't exactly deserve it. At least I won't be sad in any way to crush the Sox--go Rockies! I'm only missing the game on Wednesday because I'll be at the David Crowder concert. Hazzah!

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