Monday, October 15, 2007

Hey Byrnes...

Stick me on the bandwagon, man. This is fun!!! It's been a while since Colorado brought home a championship, so I forgot what it's like. And I forgot how fun baseball could be, since I faded with the Rockies records after 1995. Yelling at the TV, memorizing stats, joking about luck and kitty litter and matching reds, remembering the 6-4-3 lingo, holding your breath as the runner crosses the bag, eating brownie sundaes and Imperial rolls (for Matsui)--yeah, this is fun. I find that although I've long since good-willed my Rockies clothes, I can still pen out the logo from memory, and I'm re-learning our roster slowly. This could make Denver a baseball town again.

And for John--go Indians (and because Manny Ramirez's pants are too big).

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