Monday, July 23, 2007

All was well.

I didn't think I would get so excited over it. But as Friday afternoon rolled around and I found myself wandering through Barnes and Noble, the displays started to really excite me. I got home and grabbed Kelly by the shoulders--"I'm so freakin' excited!" I think we weirded out the 10 people staying with us that night. I guess after 6 books, countless pages, countless hours invested, it seems like their world is somewhat real. It feels like I know them, and that takes a talented author.

I wasn't even going to start the book until today because I had too much unpacking to do, but Saturday night rolled around and I found myself at my parents' house with a rather tempting looking package on the counter and not much else on my schedule. The cover is beautiful, and Kelly pointed out that it's interesting that the other covers got darker and more sinister while this one was full of warm, bright colors. I love it. I was only going to read for an hour and a half. I don't know who I was kidding. I was up until 1:20 and then finished it during breakfast the next morning. Six hours total.

I won't ruin it for those of you who haven't read it. In fact, I want to read it again soon just to cement it in my head. But it was wonderful. More intricate than I would have thought, but not more than I should have expected. More than a few surprises, but a few things I had already guessed. It was a fitting end to a 10 year journey. It seems weird that I would get so wrapped up in so-called children's books, and it's hard to justify with words. My love for reading only goes so far to explain it. I'm sure Jo's talent goes much further. So well-thought-out from the beginning, which is part of why I love it, because I love mystery and conspiracy and detailed plans. Truly a marvelously told story.

Give her hell from us, Peeves.

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