Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Gratitude Manifesto

For true freedom, freedom to love because He first loved us. For salvation. For a God who stands by my side every moment of every day, who daily blesses me beyond what I deserve or expect. For knowing I will never be alone. For the truth and beauty of the Catholic Church, in her liturgies, her saints, her guidance and wisdom.

For a family that chooses life. For an example of sacrifice in marriage from my parents. For sisters who are also friends. For memories of laughter, hugs, tears, adventure. For all of us being safe, healthy, and together today.

For friends that have walked with me through many challenges and celebrations. For love that is unconditional, for my everybody committee, for being able to be my weird self. For those who have known me for a long time and have grown with me. For those who have allowed me to share their lives and who have been willing to share mine.

For the opportunity to be a pediatrician. For my training and education, my teachers, my mentors, my patients, my coworkers. For the families that let me in to a vulnerable time and trust me with their most precious gift. For the ability to see kids get better. For the heartache of watching kids die, because it reminds me how precious life is. For a job that I love, because I know how rare that is.

For my health and the ability to enjoy leisure. For the grace to appreciate literature, music, art, food, sports, and nature. For all things, big and small, that enrich my life, from a barrel-aged quad to a Colorado sunset to a book that makes me laugh out loud.

For the chance to give back, both financially and personally, for all that I have been given. For the challenge of giving more, for the knowledge that my life is not my own, and this is not our home.

I am grateful.

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