Friday, September 21, 2012

Here we go

Excited. Nervous. A little bit still in disbelief that we're doing this. Hoping I didn't forget anything.

This is going to be an amazing trip, and I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity. Not just to have all the cards fall in the right place to allow four of us with varying schedules to all be able to make the same trip, but also to be physically and financially able to do it, to do it with my family, to be united in prayer with so many others, to challenge myself in such an extreme way.

Pier Giorgio Frassati was an Italian mountain climber and activist who loved the Lord. On the back of a photo of himself, on what would end up being his last climb, he wrote "Verso l'alto"--towards the top. This was how he lived his life, in climbing and in faith, striving for greatness in everything he did. I pray for the grace to do the same.

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