Thursday, July 19, 2012

The tough questions

I finished a fluff book from Michelle's bookcase the other day (really, are there any other types of books on that bookcase? just kidding, there's also "Orthodoxy," a book that was recommended to me by my own genome and I had to put down out of boredom. Point: nurture). And in the book, the main characters answer three questions...

1) What do you want to be doing when you die?
2) What would you regret not doing if you died right now?
3) What do you want on your tombstone?

Those questions sounded entirely too morbid for a blog post. At least for a beautiful summer afternoon. And since I make a lot of decisions by ruling things out (see: career choice, hair style, things I can cook), I figured I could at least decide the following...

1) What do I not want to be doing when I die?
      -burning alive
      -swimming/sinking/bathing/choking/holding my breath in any way
2) What would I not regret doing if I died right now?
      -becoming a doctor
      -seeing the Pope
      -eating a Twinkie in one bite
3) What do I not want on my tombstone?
      -She forgot to pull the ripcord
      -The evil twin

See kids, we're making progress. I've already ruled out a lot of things. That's pretty close to deciding, right?

Here's to uplifting books!

1 comment:

Jim Z said...

Love the humor in your 3rd item in each group. :-)