Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tossed about

I'm feeling very upbeat this week, and is it sad that that feels a little bit out of the ordinary? With hanging out with friends, getting decent sleep, learning a lot at work, and Christmas coming, life has just been good. It's hard to imagine a few weeks ago I was kind of ready to throw in the towel with being in the NICU, feeling isolated, missing my family.

I was talking with a friend about how we are like ships tossed in the waves when we are at the mercy of our feelings and emotions, always swaying without any control over our direction (I stole this idea from some theologian/saint, but can't remember who). When things are good, we are happy and we feel like life is good. When things are rough, we can't see the light, and everything is a struggle. We need an anchor. To give us direction and balance. To remind us when things are bad that we don't have to be weighed down by them. And when things are good, that's the time to build habits to get us through the rough times.

So this Advent, let's anchor ourselves in Christ so that we can ride through this crazy life with confidence. Better than getting seasick.

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