Monday, June 13, 2011


I have been reading more of and "The Book of Awesome", and I also just bought "The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything." They have reminded me that many things in life are, in fact, awesome, and that God can be found in all things. And so the last few weeks, despite being so incredibly busy that I could easily be excused for using all my spare energy for sleeping, have been full of delightful reminders of God's presence. It's actually wonderfully freeing and uplifting to enjoy these moments. They tend to cancel out the moments when you feel like the world is crashing down around you. Toddlers yelling "HI" as they pass by you in the hallway, fajitas with homemade tortillas and fresh guacamole, a fist bump in the ER, recognition for hard work, the right song on the radio at the right time, apple crisp day in the cafeteria (AND peach cobbler day in the same week!), Shirley Temples and cheesy bread with the chiefs, touching cards, free Tequila and Taboo, seeing a sick kid get better, declining gas prices, scoring touchdowns, a glass of wine with a friend at the end of a great day. You may read some of those and think, "What does God have to do with Tequila and gas prices?" If you're really asking that question, the Jesuit spirituality is probably not your bag (I hope that didn't sound like I think that Jesuits are materialistic or alcoholics, that is not what I meant). But if you're like me, you see all these little windows of grace that make your heart smile and you can't help but lift your eyes up and say, Thanks!

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