Thursday, May 13, 2010


So, it's the middle of May...there is snow on the ground. What gives? My flowers are hiding out in my garage (I suppose I should be grateful that they are mobile. Well, not by themselves actually. Michelle carried the pots inside.) and I'm ready to wear sandals. Such is Colorado. Honestly, except for worrying about the curse of my black thumb, I love the unpredictable weather. Because it means that in the middle of December I can be outside in a t-shirt playing basketball. Yup, totally worth moving the plants inside. Also, I was not aware until recently that tulips wind up their petals air-tight at night (probably because this involves having tulips and waking up early before they open for the sun) and there's a beautiful red and yellow one off the 2nd porch step just begging for a more competent photographer than myself (Rashy, get out here, now!) to immortalize it. For now, I'll just enjoy it, along with the cherry blossom tree and grape hyacinths that make our front yard look like a greenhouse.

Off to Omaha this weekend to see Mary GRADUATE! Holy cow, my sister is done with college. Good job, kid. You survived 4 years of soccer, 4 years of accounting, and most importantly, several trips to the Moon for a boot. Here's to you!

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