Friday, October 10, 2008


I love fall. The smells of pumpkin and leaves and that cold, crisp air that makes you want to stay outside forever and hurry inside for cider or cocoa at the same time. Giant leaves curled on the sidewalk, making you guess which step will make the biggest crunch. Time to pull the hoodies and the hats out again, to snuggle under the electric blanket, to hold the coffee mug with both hands. The first falling flakes of snow, swirling in a silver sky. It makes me want to share it with someone.


Rae said...

i like to find the step with the biggest crunch too! i always looked like such a dork on campus taking awkward steps to hit the largest pile of leaves. i still do it. yesterday during my yog in fact.

also an interesting, and semi-relevant fact. the older people in my neighborhood like to take leaf blowers to their yards and sidewalks and blast all the leaves the the street/curb. maybe it's just me, but there are just some things in this world that make more sense than that...

M Zap said...

You can share a fall day with me in one week. Also, I hope your comment about the first snowflakes was a foreshadowing and that it isn't actually that cold. I think today's high was supposed to hit 80 here. Tomorrow is supposed to rain all day. Hmmm. I'd still take a Colorado Fall over just about anything (except maybe a Colorado Spring)