Friday, June 20, 2008

A true friend loves at all times

I think that's in the Bible somewhere. If it's not, it should be. I've been struck a lot recently by my increased need for real friends, and thankfully, also by the presence of such friends at the right time.

So, good friends, I had hoped to finally be inspired to wow you with my wit and perspective, but I've gotten very little sleep this week, on top of being sick now for 5 days straight, and having seen very little of anybody besides my team at the hospital. And so hopefully you understand that I'm having a hard time staying upbeat right now. But I know I should try, me being the textbook melancholic choleric and all. So...good things are:

-Friends that are true friends. Enough said.
-I have the whole weekend off for the WNT game. It's like they knew.
-Food is finally starting to sound good again.
-I still have time to read for fun.
-Panera continues to bring good food and good memories.
-I am so looking forward to my new house and roommates, and have even had multiple people offer to help me move.
-Rachelle's coming to visit soon.
-I get to wear scrubs half the time I'm at work (which means tennis shoes. bonus!)
-Reba makes me laugh. Out loud. A lot.
-I maybe think I might know how to sorta read an EKG (that inspires confidence, doesn't it?).

Okay, given all that, like I said, I'm still tired and lonely, and I feel as if much of my life these past several weeks, and for the next several months, consists largely of going to the hospitals, being at the hospitals, and coming home from the hospitals. Not to mention that I doubt I'm done getting sick from those at the hospitals. So, the best thing you can you for me (I'm not trying to be selfish, but this is a little cry for help) is keep checking in on me, call me, email me, and let me know if I can call you up randomly to come hang out (and by "hang out", I probably mean sit on the couch and talk or watch a movie cause I won't feel up to much else). I'll need the social interaction, and I know I won't always think I feel up to it, even if it is what's best. And in return, I promise that this won't last forever, and someday I will go back to being a good friend. Promise.

1 comment:

MJ said...

I can't promise to "hang out" even though we both know there is nothing I would love more. It's a shame I have to have a budget.
