Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saturday morning post

Buckle in, this is going to be random:

Yesterday, one of the therapists on the wards said, "Laura, please tell me you're going into psychiatry. You're so good at it." Totally made my day. Although on Thursday, one of our patients had pink eye, and the attending is all staring at it from five feet away going, "I think it's a stye" and I'm like "I want to touch it so bad." So I got some gloves, poked, prodded, and promptly diagnosed her with pink eye, sent her to her PCP and she got some antibiotic ointment and came back clear as a whistle the next day. So yeah, psychiatry is nice, but I guess not hands-on enough for me. And it's hard, to see kid after kid come in with suicide attempts. I'm not saying it's easier to treat kid after kid with chronic kidney disease or cancer, least we've seen some kids get better. For every new admit, we've had a discharge, and it's fun to see them getting better.

Last weekend, we beat the 2-time-defending-league-champion football team, including their foul-mouthed receiver that made me think violent thoughts. I threw the first touchdown pass, cause it was a girl play (every 4th play), though it was a floater, and only not intercepted due to Andy's mad hops. Oh man, it was fun.

Finally rented Juno last night. I know everyone said it was hysterical, but maybe all the lines had already been revealed or maybe I'm just too deep for light fun, but I found myself more appreciating the drama of it than the humor (although the "nasty eye" was classic). The tragedy of teenage pregnancy and prevalence of abortion, the miracle of new life, the heartache of divorce, the support of a family--those were the things that touched me. Although the image of drinking one's weight in Sunny D was certainly poignant as well. Maybe I'm just a sap. Although I can hear Kelly watching it this morning, and it's a little more funny. Maybe it was just my mood.

Saw "A Man For All Seasons" at the seminary last weekend. So high quality. Just witty dialogue, powerful story, men in tights. Fantastic.

Bones and Women's Murder Club are back, and my addiction to The Office has been fueled by cranking through Seasons 1 and 2 in two weeks (good thing I'm on my psych rotation and not surgery). So good.

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