Friday, April 4, 2008

Step 1...Check

I know I've probably told some of you this, but I am just still in awe of how smoothly these last four weeks have gone. Touted as the worst weeks of medical school by my predecessors, I have to say I was essentially dreading my time studying for and taking the boards. But I know that all of your prayers must have been working, because I was somehow able to stay focused and get through it without too much of a struggle. I mean, of course I would have rather been outside playing frisbee or going to happy hour or watching movies or just about anything else, but with four weeks of no one keeping tabs on me, it's still hard to believe that I sat down and studied every day, kept on schedule, and managed to get through everything. I know that many graces were keeping me from freaking out or blowing it off or getting depressed or having panic attacks (at least too much). So I wanted to thank you for your prayers and say that they truly worked. Now, the whole matter of grading will take six weeks to decide, but honestly, I was more worried with making it through the studying than the test. So thanks.

High: I got to catch up with an old high school teacher and coach today, one of the few who probably even remembers me. It was just a highlight of my day, I think also because I could tell he was proud of me and what I was doing.

RedBox recommendations (movies I've rented and liked recently): The Jane Austen Book Club, No Reservations

Good song: What If You Stay-Chuck Wicks

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