Sunday, April 13, 2008

Brian Larkin Sunday

Hazzah for a near perfect Sunday. Started with a low key morning with the comics, followed by a near perfect football game (except for the extra point I dropped because my hair was in my eyes) in which we mercy-ruled the other team and posted a shut-out. Our defense was so on. That alone would have been a day-maker. But then I got to spend the rest of the day enjoying the beautiful sunshine at Wash Park playing volleyball. And now I am just killing time until school starts tomorrow, might read a book or watch a movie.

My roommate and I were just talking about how we're so excited to take a giant step towards becoming normal people. Not sure if that needs clarification. See, when all you do is study all the time, not only are you a hermit, but when you do show your face in social situations, you don't have anything to talk about except what you studied that day, and any mention of virtually anything just triggers a dozen word-associations to medical terms and conditions. But now, as third years, our studying will consist of interacting with real people, not books (at least not solely books), and when we get off work (granted, that won't happen very often), we are done. No longer hermits, just workaholics, but at least we'll now have something to talk about, because sick people (especially sick people in the psych ward, which is our first rotation) are always interesting.

I don't know if this holds any weight, but I read "90 Minutes of Heaven" and his description of heaven is exactly how I pictured it. Constant joy, surrounded by people we love who have been a part of our spiritual journey, not given the chance to miss anything about earth because all we're experiencing is perfection. A decent read, if you get a chance.

RedBox Recommendations--Dan in Real Life. Pretty funny and totally real people and real conversations. "You are a MURDERER of love!!!!!" Hahaha.


M Zap said...

Lisa has now come up with at least a dozen different ways of butchering Brian Larkin's name when talking about Sundays because she can't ever remember it. It's pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

What the heck is a Brian Larkin Sunday? - Miss Brummah

Rae said...

ummm... i'm pretty sure i've been told my dad looks like dan. and i've wanted to watch it, but you never know. since you reviewed it, however, i am confident it will be good.

hope you're doing well - i miss you!