Thursday, March 24, 2016

Internet FTW

I'm driving in to work this morning, minding the icy roads, and all of a sudden, "Pantless Thunder-goose" pops into my head and I giggle a little.

You see, yesterday, during the great blizzard of March 2016 (I'm not even optimistic we can call it the only one of the year), I was doing more internet browsing than seeing patients (also was doing lunges and taking "snow day selfies", don't worry, I have diverse distractions), and I came across the phenomenon #TheInternetNamesAnimals.

Apparently, there was an online poll to name Britain's National Environment Research Council's newest polar research vessel (because why would you want to name it the normal way?) and the winner was...wait for it..."Boaty McBoatface". Which is what you deserve when you name a ship by popular vote.

That's not the best part though. The best part is that people's creativity took over to answer the question, What if we named animals the same way? And a new hashtag was born.

Some of them are quite predictable and in the "McEverything" vein:

Grumpy McSnapface
But some of them are just too much:

Danger Noodle

American Murder Log
And my personal favorite:

Pantless Thunder-goose
It's just ridiculous/amazing/terrible/awesome.

And here's my favorite part. My little giggle party this morning made me think of how wonderful it is when people use the creativity God has given them. Yes, Pantless Thunder-goose led me to praise the Creator. Because yes, it's silly and insignificant. Yes, we could be using our creativity to alleviate poverty or save the environment. But it's a far cry better than most of the stuff circulating right now (read: anything Donald Trump, Belgium terrorist attacks, LSOP Supreme Court fight), and it brings joy. Just imagine what we could do if Christian minds everywhere tapped into their creativity not only to jump on the latest #bandwagon, but to bring Goodness, Truth, and Beauty into the world.

That would be McWonderful.

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