Just finished my third and final month of NICU, and let me tell you, there was no love lost as I waltzed out of there at 4 pm. As you may have surmised from my prior NICU/Truman posts, this is not my most favorite place in the whole wide world. In fact, I think it may come in as like my 145th favorite place in the world, behind Target, but ahead of airports. In reality, we didn't have that bad of a month. My calls were fairly mild, our interns were strong, and though the census was high, the babies weren't all that sick. Still, I get cranky way more often over here than on other rotations, it seems. And, this time around, it was coupled with just a touch (read: whole-whopping-lot) of senioritis. Is August too early for that? Too early for tuning out during rounds, taking 30 minute breakfast breaks, and stretching meetings an extra hour just to not go back to the NICU? Brace yourself, cranky-pants, we got another 10 months to go.
I remember back to my first time in the NICU and those terrifying calls where I had to look up what to say in response to, "He hasn't peed in 23 hours, what do you want to do?" The answer--always--is wait longer. See? Now you can skip straight to second year. However, besides getting more delivery experience (which was essentially the goal), and teaching my squirrely interns the ropes (who am I kidding? They basically teach themselves), I don't feel like I learned a whole bunch, and I'm hoping that doesn't set a precedent for third year. I don't wanna be so checked out that I'm not taking advantage of these last few months where I have a safety net and plenty of resources at my fingertips. Right now, all motivation has to go towards finishing my Professor Rounds presentation and prepping for Kili, followed shortly by job hunting (yikes!), but maybe if I wish hard enough, I'll become a human sponge and just start absorbing things around me. Only useful things, though. I don't really care about the Chiefs' front line or how much 'Magic Mike' took in at the box office.
See? I can't even focus long enough to write a proper blog post. I better quit now.
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