Sunday, July 10, 2011

God bless...

The 4th of July came and went without much recognition from me, being that I was at the hospital seeing the carnage wrought by stupid fireworks celebrations. A fellow resident and I commiserated that it's not really my favorite holiday, except as an excuse to grill out, which I'll take any day. I think the cause gets a bit lost in the festivities. But last night at the Sporting KC game, I was reminded of what an important day it is.

The start of the National Anthem was lost amidst a host of pre-game announcements and crowds of people trying to grab dinner and find their seats. But as the notes of the song began to rise above the din, people began to turn to the flag, stop what they were doing, remove their caps, place their hands over their hearts. Concessions lines froze, screaming kids quieted, and for a precious few seconds, it didn't matter your political bent or how much you think this country is going to pot or how many bumper stickers you have on your car--it was enough to pause and be thankful that we are free enough to have these opinions. To be grateful for the men and women who have given so much so that the flag could fly. So, a belated Happy Independence Day to all those who recognize that it's worth celebrating (even if you're like me and could do without the fireworks).

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