Sunday, February 22, 2009


In celebration of the 100th post, I wanted to do something special. Since "The Bucket List" has been circulating Facebook, and since I've wanted to do mine for some time now, I decided to put it to paper. Some of the things I've done or want to do don't seem that significant, but are things I'm either glad I've done or want to be glad I've done. And of course, some of them are pretty big. I am glad that the "done" list is significantly longer than the "to-do"...means I'm not wasting time. Feel free to tell me some of your list as well, or other suggestions.

So without further ado, the first draft...

The Bucket List

See Juan Diego’s tilma in Guadalupe

See the sun shine all day in Alaska

Go to Greece

Be kissed under the mistletoe

Go to an NFL game

Go to a WPS game

Go to the Olympics

Own my own dog

Become a doctor

See Phantom of the Opera live

Travel to a Spanish speaking country (Mexican cruise didn’t count)

Order a hot dog (“Coke. Mustard.”) from a street stand

Irish Car Bomb (maybe a mini one)

Save a life

Be a godmother (I know this isn’t really up to me, but it would still be awesome)

Go to Tuscany

See a European soccer match live

Coach softball

Go to Martinsville Candy Kitchen

Things I've Already Done

Deliver a baby (catching, not pushing)

Sailing with a pina colada and dolphins

Go snowmobiling

Do overnight backpacking

Been on a cruise

Seen the pope (twice)

Been to Rome

Sung Karaoke (granted, not in the most formal or populated of places)

Traveled by motorcycle

Snorkeled with turtles and sharks

Been to the MLB All-Star Game

Seen an NHL game

Give a wedding toast

Take pictures in a photo booth

Go ice skating on a frozen lake

Climbed Mt Elbert, the tallest mountain in CO

Watched a mountain sunrise and sunset

Hiked in the Grand Canyon

Hiked the Sand Dunes

Bought something at an art auction

Seen the USWNT play live

Attended the opera, Handel’s Messiah, the symphony, and a Broadway show

Driven ATVs

Played soccer on the beach

Ridden in a limo (it was blue glitter!)

Go horsebackriding

Took guitar lessons

Driven a jet ski

Tequila shot a la The Cutting Edge

Built a gingerbread house

Helped stitch someone up in surgery

Held an alligator

Fire department ride along

Hoisted my state champion sister on my shoulders

Been hoisted on shoulders after winning a race

Coached a soccer team

Been a confirmation sponsor

Laughed so hard I cried

Ridden a train, a public subway, and the bus

Ridden in a Mustang convertible


Won a cow-pie throwing contest!

Been in a parade

Slept under the stars


M Zap said...

are you sure you are at 100? and you stole a lot of mine so now if i write mine it's going to look like i copied you.

Laura Zaps said...

i know they don't add up to 100 on the right, but my homepage says i'm at 100. who knows.