Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year

Top moments of 2008 (I couldn't remember anything, so I just scoured my blog, figuring most notable things would be in there):

1. Marian group retreat--my first trip to St. Malo, beautiful weather, sliding around on the frozen pond, hiking the JPII trail, wonderful friends...glorious.

2. WSMRF--a big long acronym that means my first "business" trip to Carmel, CA to present my research at a conference. The actual presentation was terrifying, but I loved sightseeing and shopping and eating out and the beach...and especially that the school paid for it.

3. Getting Step 1 behind me--taking a month to study for my first set of boards was way less stressful than I planned on, and getting it behind me was a huge on to Step 2.

4. Call me doctor--Michelle's graduation in May. I was so proud to see her up there, and it was the first real reunion of everyone in the 2 years since my Creighton graduation. Translation: tons of laughter!

5. US WNT--holy cow, I love soccer! 2 big highlights this year: the WNT (women's national team) came to Denver to play Brazil in their pre-Beijing send-off tour, and we got fully decked out, made huge signs that made the jumbotron, yelled at HAO, and watched them check off another of their record-setting wins. Then there was the 3 am games of Beijing and wearing my jersey over my pajamas and watching the live broadcast in class, almost falling out of my chair when they scored in OT. Gold, baby!

6. I got to dust off the softball glove for the young adult tournament this year. It's easy to forget how much I miss being on the mound, chatting it up, organizing the defense, cheering every batter, etc. We didn't do too bad, either. Only lost to the eventual first- and second-place teams.

7. Getting into the clinical years--seeing patients is SO much better than sitting in class.

8. Babies!!! I got to deliver babies and see many of my friends and cousins bring home babies of their own. I love babies!

9. Chuck--hard to believe that I've only been watching for a matter of months, but seriously, this has been a highlight of the year. I LOVE watching Chuck!

10. Christmas--two weeks of no school, walks on the beach, and my crazy family. Fun times.

A look forward...I wish I had taken the time to think of New Year's Resolutions, but for now, we'll settle for seeing what's in store for this year:

1. More school--finishing up with family medicine and surgery, and then all of my sub-internships and electives, not to mention studying for Step 2, applying for residency, and interviewing around the country. Lots of prayers, please.

2. Chi-town--there are 5 sites around the country to take the Step 2 CS exam. I'm taking a weekend in Chicago, hopefully with Hilary and complete with a Cubs game (and a Red Stars game?...see #3)

3. WPS--women's pro soccer is back, with the WPS debuting. I'm hoping to make it to one game this year and hopefully more next year.

4. Weddings and babies--so far, I have 2 cousins and a good friend set to take the plunge (I think I'll only make it to the friend's though) and probably more to come. And 2 pregnant cousins, and again, probably more to come. Yay!

That's all I know for now...thanks for taking a look back and a look forward with me. Many blessings in the new year.

1 comment:

Laura Zaps said...

I forgot to put Brady's and Marie and Bobby's weddings in there. Definitely a highlight!