Sunday, September 21, 2008

WPS showdown

Okay, Michelle made her picks (see her blog) so I had to make mine. Granted, she follows this much more closely than I do, but I, too, have some thoughts about the final rankings of the first WPS season, based solely on the recent allocation.
  1. Sky Blue FC: Rampone, O'Reilly, Kai--You have experience and leadership in the backfield and pure fun up pick to win (Michelle's pick: 1)
  2. Chicago Red Stars: Lloyd, Markgraf, Tarpley--you have Rampone's counterpart in the backfield in Markgraf, as well as my new hero, Carli Lloyd...I think they'll make a run for the top (Michelle's pick: 3)
  3. Los Angeles: Boxx, Cox, Wagner--Boxxy is who could knock this team to the front if she is on her game. I'm giving them the tie-breaker over Washington, but it's close (Michelle's pick: 4).
  4. Washington Freedom: Krieger, Wambach, Whitehill--don't know much about Krieger, but Abby will make this fun (ironically, Freedom STILL gets THE face of women's soccer)...I'm torn on this one, but they barely fall behind LA (Michelle's pick: 2)
  5. Boston Breakers: Hucles, Lilly, Mitts--yay for Kristine Lilly making a post-baby comeback. Heather Mitts should give them experience in the back, but not much speed. Hucles played well in the Games, so if they get good additions from other sources, they could be a better contender (Michelle's pick: 5).
  6. St. Louis: Solo, Chalupny, Ellertson--I like Lori Chalupny, and with Solo anchoring here, St. Louis might be able to surprise, but it might be too little to work with compared to the other teams (Michelle's pick: 6).
  7. Bay Area: Barnhart, Buehler, Osborne--"a fairly definitive last place". Agreed. Bay Area maybe got the shaft...or maybe they have given these players a chance to shine. But still last. (Michelle's pick: 7)
So there you have it. We're not much different, but this is me putting it in writing so we can fight about it in a year when the season ends. Loser has to buy the winner a new jersey. Just kidding. Maybe an ice cream.


M Zap said...

I'll take your loser buying a jersey deal. I'd even take loser buying tickets for the following season deal. Of course, by the time the first season ends, I'll be making much more money than you. I agree that Boxxy is going to play a deciding factor in how they do.

M Zap said...

Also, are you thinking of the same Aly Wagner that I'm thinking of? Sure you aren't thinking of A-Rod?

Laura Zaps said...

you're right. where is a-rod? is it cause she's still NCAA?

M Zap said...

none of the big NCAA players were part of the recent combine, so I think they are just going to have to wait until the draft. A-Rod is only 20 I think, so she may just be a sopho or junior in which case she probably isn't eligible (unless she wants to pull a 'Melo and drop out early). Tobin Heath and Lauren Cheney will also probably be in the league at some point.