Monday, June 29, 2015

Camp Doctor, Year 2

I've come down the mountain for a breather. Laundry, showers, and, you know, having to work. Gotta pay the bills.

The first two weeks at Camp Wojtyla were for middle schoolers. My favorite. #sarcasticfont. The nice part about the middle school camp is that most of their activities take place on the campgrounds, so my job is infinitely easier in terms of treating injuries and doling out meds. The bad part about the middle school camp is that most of their activities take place on the campgrounds, so it's boring. No summit hikes, no rock climbing, no rafting. But it's good to have it both ways. Made for better prayer time and more naps. #pronapper.

Once again, the best part of camp seems to be the counselors--thirty-some college students and seminarians from around the country who give up their summer for these youngsters. They. Are. Awesome.

Sherpa selfie--no stick needed
Also, this year, we have six full-time staff. Six! So things like new water pumps and an organized office and frequent mail runs all happen. Score! The joy of the summer and full-time staff is contagious, from singing while doing dishes to labeling the food all crazy-like.

I've decided that in terms of simplicity and not wrecking my back, hammock camping is for sure the way to go. Look at my tiny little home. Isn't it cute? Bug net, tarp, and a holster for my walkie-talkie. All without killing the wildflowers.

It's true that nature makes a great cathedral--prayer and reflection come super easy at 8,000 feet. And God has been so good moving in my heart the last 2 weeks, drawing me closer to Him and reassuring me in my ways. Looking forward to 2 more weeks, complete with all the fun stuff and no sleep.

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