Well, it's all over. The great saga has ended. Can you believe we've been watching them on screen for 10 years? TEN! No wonder it felt like seeing old friends. We had a great crowd too, and you could feel the excitement in the theater--the applause when Molly Weasley gave Bellatrix her due, the (albeit quiet) cheers when Neville took down the final horcrux, the laughter when Maggie Smith delivered one of many of her perfect lines. I thought they did a great job with lots of difficult scenes that had high expectations, especially since we were on a time crunch. Snape's death and memories, the Gringott's break-in (really, how fantastic is Helena Bonham Carter?), mourning the dead after the final battle (yeah, I cried)--really the whole battle in general (especially after the horrendous ending of HP6), and althoug

h the makeup was kinda corny in the epilogue, they didn't screw it up too bad. It was a little sad leaving the theater and knowing it's over. And it's hilarious to look back at the first films and see how far we've come. We've truly grown up with these characters and actors. Thanks for a great run, guys!